Temazepam Side Effects; alias: medroxyprogesterone stability for the Anton Martin, Restoril, Levanxol Enhypnos, ER-115; temazepam indications: 1 for insomnia. 2 for the treatment of anxiety disorders and pre-operative administration. ; Role of temazepam Pharmacology: This product is a short-acting benzodiazepine class of drugs, pharmacological effects diazepam diazepam similar but shorter half-life and rapid elimination of glucuronide in vivo, it is daytime sleepiness continuation of effects are less frequent. Primarily as hypnotics for insomnia. Sedative and anxiolytic effects still better because of this product, it is also used in the treatment of anxiety disorders and administered before surgery. Pharmacological effects
This product is a short-acting benzodiazepine class of drugs, pharmacological effects similar to diazepam, but the short half-life and rapid elimination in vivo glucuronide and less frequent, so the continuation of daytime drowsiness and other effects. Primarily as hypnotics for insomnia. Sedative and anxiolytic effects still better because of this product, it is also used in the treatment of anxiety disorders and administered before surgery.
Oral easy to absorb, 30min to reach peak plasma approximately 96% bound to plasma proteins. t1 / 2 was approximately 15h. Mainly the form of inactive glucuronic acid metabolism in the liver, with the urine.
1 for insomnia. 2 for the treatment of anxiety disorders and pre-operative administration.
Early pregnancy, the FDA ban. I see diazepam.
1 the organic encephalopathy, cardiopulmonary function insufficiency, liver and kidney dysfunction, respiratory failure with caution. Security: the elderly and children, elderly, children, pregnancy and breast-feeding women, prone to abnormal reactions such as irritability, anxiety, tension, and the dose in half. Lactating women with caution. Overdose and treatment: drug overdose and treatment, drowsiness, confusion, reflex response diminish or disappear weakened breathing, blood pressure low, and even coma. Treatment, including monitoring of blood pressure, heart rate, gastric lavage, infusion, oxygen. Hemodialysis no effect. Liver, renal insufficiency the need to adjust the dose: liver dysfunction eliminate t1 / 2 slight prolongation, renal insufficiency (or damaged) the need to adjust the dose. 5: during the treatment should not be engaged in driving, climbing and other dangerous work.
Adverse reactions
1 See diazepam. 2. Visible such as dry mouth, weakness. Occasionally fatigue, dizziness, drunken sense of alertness decreased, lethargy. Abnormal reactions such as irritability, anxiety, tension, etc., there may be some of the elderly and children. Rare anterograde amnesia, changes in libido. Long-term use can lead to dependency, abrupt withdrawal may experience withdrawal symptoms.
For Hypnosis: may oral 10 ~~ 20mg, at bedtime, special circumstances may increase the amount to 40mg. The elderly patients 7.5mg sufficient. 2. Administration: Adults 20 ~~ 40mg before surgery, preoperative 0.5 ~ 1h taking. Children's 1mg/kg, maximum dose of 30mg.
Drug corresponding role
Alcohol, morphine derivatives and other central nervous system depressants, can increase central inhibition temazepam, and even respiratory depression, cardiac arrest, and therefore should not be combined. 2. Cimetidine, cisapride combination may increase drowsiness. (3) can affect the plasma concentration of phenytoin. Probenecid affect the goods and glucuronide metabolism slows down to make this product cause excessive sleepiness phenomenon.