Folic Acid

Supplement b folic acidity is a water-soluble B vitamin. It is found in many foods – leaf vegetables (spinach, lettuce), meat and offals (liver and kidney), mushrooms, fruits and some cereals. Moreover, a bit of this vitamin is synthesized in the colon. However, for the therapy and avoidance of certain pathological circumstances and for therapy of Supplement b folic acidity lack of, a person needs additional quantity of Supplement b folic acidity that cannot be obtained from food.

This vitamin is known for its benefits on metabolism:

Protein metabolic procedure, which is the basis of all body system cells;
Purine and pyrimidine bases, which are part of nucleic chemicals and are responsible for heredity.
The following systems of action of Supplement b folic acidity are the best known are:

Facilitates normal DNA synthesis in tissues that are in the procedure of preparing to divide;
Is one of the enzymes that speed up biochemical responses in the formation of aminoacids.
Through these systems, Supplement b folic acidity provides the following results in the body:

Prevention of inherited malformations in kids and neoplasms in adults, by protecting the inherited content from damage;
Improvement of the procedures of regeneration and renewal of tissues in tissues and metabolic rate;
Meeting the needs of the fetus, and the growing and creating body;
Improvement of the procedure of hematopoiesis.

It is used to cure Supplement b folic acidity lack of, which occurs under such circumstances as alcoholism, maternity and toxicosis, liver organ illness, hemolysis, some dermatitis, therapy of certain malignant neoplasms with medication, dialysis, nausea or vomiting (chronic gastritis), malabsorption in the intestines and coeliac illness (gluten intolerance).

Folic acidity is also used to cure certain types of anemia (for example, folate-deficiency anemia) and for the avoidance of these circumstances in individuals belonging to danger groups.

In inclusion, Supplement b folic acidity is suggested when preparing a maternity and for the entire gestation period of a kid, as well as during breastfeeding. It is essential that the suitable dose is chosen by a physician.

Side effects

Folic acidity is usually very well tolerated and has minimum side effects. Therefore, those few side effects that happen during therapy with this vitamin can be attributed to unusual side effects, and the chance of their occurrence improves slightly with increasing quantity or violation of the rules of getting the vitamin or its dose.

Side results of Supplement b folic acidity include:

An unpleasant or bitter taste in the mouth;
Nausea, improved bloating, stomach discomfort, improved peristalsis, loss of appetite;
Sudden changes in mood;
A sense of frustration or anxiety;
Difficulty falling asleep;
Notify your physician if you develop any of the side effects after getting Supplement b folic acidity.

Serious part effects

The probability of serious side effects to this vitamin is minimal, especially if you follow all the healthcare health advice. However, in unusual situations, the following serious side effects may occur:

Seizures and convulsive readiness, changes in behavior, depression, and insomnia;
Appearance of neoplasms (tumors of the prostate and lung) – several studies showed that neoplasms developed during long-term use of very great dose of Supplement b folic acidity. However, there is no clear proof that this illness was caused by the huge dose of the vitamin;
B-12 lack of anemia – Supplement b folic acidity and B12 are joined with the same proteins for them to enter the bloodstream, and an unwanted of one of the vitamins can cause to a lack of the other;
The growth of nerve conditions (eyelid drooping, nystagmus, dizziness, changes in reflexes and sensitivity of individual parts of the body system, etc.) during progressive course of B-12 lack of anemia, other signs which were hidden by the use of great dose of Folic acid;
Renal incapacity because of inflammation in the epithelium in the tubules and changes in the flow of urine;
Allergic reaction: hives, inflammation of the epidermis, larynx, pharynx, breathlessness or swallowing, blisters on the epidermis, etc.
If you experience any of the serious side effects of Supplement b folic acidity, urgently seek treatment.

Laboratory abnormalities

Folic acidity can decrease the intake of vitamin B12, resulting in a change in the external overall look of some blood veins tissues and B12 lack of anemia.

Side results in children

Typically, Supplement b folic acidity can cause side effects in kids only when there is substantial unwanted of the suggested quantity. The most common side effects in this case are:

Dyspeptic symptoms;
Increased irritability;
One should not also ignore about such negative respond to this substance as an allergy. Be sure to check with with your physician before you begin giving a kid Supplement b folic acidity, especially if you are doing it the first time or if the kid has any allergies.

Side results during maternity and breast-feeding

Doctors often recommend Supplement b folic acidity to pregnant mothers, or to females preparing to become expecting, for the avoidance of miscarriage and inherited malformations in kids (especially nerve system malformations, neural tube issues, etc.). Under this state of the body system, the need for Supplement b folic acidity improves considerably, and it is suggested in a much higher quantity (400 mg per day and above).

Although Supplement b folic acidity is safe enough, side effects can still happen under long-term use of very huge dose of the vitamin. These side effects are:

Development of B-12 lack of anemia and smoothing of its diagnostically essential features, but preservation of nerve warning signs of this condition;
Increased depression, convulsions;
Rarely – renal incapacity.
You should also know that Supplement b folic acidity passes into breasts milk. Only the physician chooses the quantity, and expecting or nursing females should fully be aware that one must not recommend Supplement b folic acidity without the doctor’s permission. This can either cause to side effects in the mother or in the kid, or the vitamin will not have any therapeutic impact if the quantity is too little.

Side results in women

Doctors recommend that females preparing to become expecting should take Supplement b folic acidity some several weeks before the organized perception at dose close to those suggested to pregnant mothers. The benefits of this vitamin in the avoidance of maternity issues and beginning issues are very great. However, one should not neglect the side effects of huge dose of Supplement b folic acidity. Although they are very unusual, but one should always remember them and be sure to tell the physician about all the possible part results such as:

Nervous frustration, convulsions;
Inhibition of vitamin B12 intake, and anemia;
Sleep conditions.
Be sure to check with a specialist to be able for him to choose the right quantity of the vitamin to prevent side effects.

Side results in men

Prophylactic use of Supplement b folic acidity for men is not as essential as for females. It has lengthy been known that this vitamin has a positive impact on sperm cell quality – improves sperm cell maturation and reduces the number of sperm cell tissues with damaged inherited content. Usually, great dose of Supplement b folic acidity are also suggested to pregnant fathers few several weeks before the organized perception. The possible side effects in men are the same as those described above for females. The chance of side effects creating in men is also very low. For the safety and efficacy of the vitamin, it is, however, necessary to adhere to the quantity suggested by your physician, and not take this vitamin on your own.

Side results in the elderly

Older individuals more often suffer from comorbidities of center and veins, as well as hyperplastic procedures and neoplasms, renal illnesses and other illnesses that can trigger side effects. For example, there is proof of improved chance of cardiac arrest when this vitamin is used in very great (800 to 1200 mg) dose in individuals with center illnesses. Therefore, it is advisable to take this vitamin only after consulting a physician.


There is no proof confirming that a single use of Supplement b folic acidity leads to an over dose. However, there is proof of part results from long-term use (3 or more months) of very huge dose of Supplement b folic acidity. In such situations, there were the following problems:

Nausea, vomiting, stomach pain;
Seizures, depression, insomnia;
B-12 lack of anemia;
Renal incapacity and changes in the volume and frequency of urination.
While all of these over dose signs are extremely unusual, it is best to check with your physician before getting Supplement b folic acidity to be able to choose the appropriate quantity and for you to prevent possible issues.

Warnings and recommendations

If you are getting any medication, tell your physician before you begin therapy with Supplement b folic acidity. Some medicines may decrease the impact of this vitamin by preventing its full intake. For example, such medication as almagel, phosphalugel, anticonvulsants and oral contraceptives accelerate Supplement b folic acidity excretion.

If you are preparing to become expecting, you and your partner should together contact the physician in advance so that the physician could choose the appropriate quantity of Supplement b folic acidity for each of you to prevent maternity issues and beginning issues in the baby.

Preventive use of Supplement b folic acidity for pregnant mothers and ladies preparing a maternity who are suffering from epilepsy or diabetes, and for married individuals, whose blood veins relatives have had beginning issues is particularly essential.

If you have any underlying health issues, especially center related illnesses and veins, or have hyperplastic procedures and neoplasms, tell your physician before you begin Supplement b folic acidity to prevent side effects.

Folic acidity and alcohol

Chronic liquor intoxication helps rapid removal of Supplement b folic acidity from the body system and adversely affects its intake. While getting this vitamin, unusual use of liquor in limited quantities is not prohibited.